The SOUTH-WEST GENEALOGIST - Historical Issues 1991 

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Issue Period Topics/Standard Historicals Covered Pages
11 February 1991 European Research/Family Tree Magazine: Index to Volume 6 (parts 1 to 6); Genealogical Gleanings; Editorial; Administrator's Corner; The Irish Connection - Welsh, Flemish, Dutch, Huguenot's, Palatines, Jews; 2nd Irish Origins - An Australian Perspective Conference; Computer Corner - An Introduction to Computers. 8
12 March 1991 Editorial; Administrator's Corner; History of Warrnambool Branch of AIGS; Cost of Irish research; European Research/Family Tree Magazine, Index to Vol.6 (parts 7-12); GSV Acquires St. Catherine's Microfiche; The Irish Connection, Publications; Genealogical Gleanings; Computer Corner - Wordprocessors, spreadsheets, publishing programs, CAD, games, databases; Meeting calendar 1991; 2nd Irish Origins - an Australian Perspective Conference. 10
13 April 1991 Editorial; Administrator's Corner; Genealogical Gleanings; Notice re Registration of Births & Deaths in Victoria; Fund for Promoting Female Emigration; Library Acquisitions & donations; Convicts in Victoria; Introduction to Computers - Graphics, Utilities, Educational, Genealogical, Your Family Tree V2, GENP; The Irish Connection. 8
14 May 1991 Editorial; Administrator's Corner; The Irish Connection, Irish Transportation Records, Prisoner's Petitions & Cases, State Prisoner's Petitions, Convict Reference Files, Free Settler's Papers, Male Convict register, Register of Convicts on Convict Ships, Further Research; Rules & Regulations of the Melbourne General Cemetery, inc charges for Public Graves; Ships of the Fleets (First, second & third fleets); Computer Corner - Family Tree program. 8
15 June 1991 Editorial; Administrator's Corner; Do You Know What Happened? - Colony of Victoria boundaries; Book Review - 1991 GRD; Genealogical Gleanings; Regulations to be Observed in Hiring of Immigrants, Married Couples Depot, Single Females Depot; Resources in SE South Australia, A Room with a View; Computer Corner, Jenny the Genealogist. 8
16 July 1991 Editorial; Administrator's Corner; Death of Wilmot; Branch Member Selected for UK Exchange; Irish Connection, Newspapers by County/Town; Historicals, July 1916; Historicals, July 1891; Aborigines at Framlingham; Ticket-of-leave Regulations; Computer Corner, Projectree Family Tree & Family History. 10
17 August 1991 Editorial; Administrator's Corner; Proclamation establishing Council of University of Melbourne 1853; Irish Connection, Index to Prerogative Wills 1536-1810; Historicals, August 1916; Warrnambool Violets; Historicals, August 1891; Obituary, Death of Pilot Peter CLOKE, July 1891; Computer Corner, Roots III; Genealogical Gleanings. 10
18 September 1991 Editorial; Administrator's Corner; Australian Archives; Irish Connection, Hearth Money Rolls; Genealogical Gleanings; Computer Corner, Book on Computers for Genealogy; Historicals, September 1916; Bravery Rewarded - Lieut. Reginald TITFORD; Historicals, September 1891; Government Notice recognizing qualifications for Doctors in Colony of Victoria; Circuit Courts. 8
19 October 1991 Editorial; Administrator's Corner; Genealogy Course; Irish Connection, List of Library Addresses; 1992 GRD; Historicals, October 1916; Historicals, October 1891; Mormons at Gateway Plaza; Book Review, Local & Family History Sources in Tasmania; Marie's Memorabilia, Incorporation of Bank of Victoria; Family History Seminar, A.I.G.S. support. 10
20 November 1991 Editorial; Administrator's Corner; Genealogical Seminar, Review; Applications to Local Exemption Courts, War Service; Marie's Memorabilia, Help Wanted re Honour Board; Historicals, November 1916; Historicals, November 1891; Historicals, December 1916; Genealogical Gleanings; Beginner's Course; Library Acquisitions; List of Branch Holdings; Family Tree Magazine, Index to Volume 7 (Parts 1 to 6). 11