Warrnambool HeritageWorks

Archive and Research Centre

is the joint initiative of

Warrnambool & District Historical Society Inc. and Warrnambool Family History Group Inc.


visit the online presence of either group by clicking on the logos

The two volunteer-run organizations work to secure historical documents, genealogical and research material, publications, photographs and objects and preserve them as a source of knowledge, ideas, stories, and memories of Warrnambool and district, to share with researchers and the community.

Opening hours

Tuesday - Friday
10 am to 12 noon
1 pm   to   3 pm

Requesting research or assistance. Please contact before attending to assure an experienced person or one able to assist on your project is on duty at that time.

Online request for research can be contacted through W&DHS online research  or WFHG online research

Phone to make an appointment (03) 5561 0283


New Release

A Tale of Two

James Affleck's latest book details the soldier settlers on the  Maes-y-Porth estates

and the growth of the Grasmere and Cooramook schools. Included is a short history of the Grasmere area and the early families who settled in the area


A Tale of Two


Warrnambool HeritageWorks is the joint initiative of

Warrnambool & District Historical Society Inc. and Warrnambool Family History Group Inc.

visit the online presence of either group by clicking on the logos